Today, we are being warned that the costs of global warming will rise into the billions of dollars over the next twenty years. Global temperatures will rise, and sea levels will rise with them. While we can’t turn back the clock on global warming, renewable energy sources like solar, wind, and waterpower can help stem the tide of environmental damage. The Rusty Tweed Solar Project has made changing the public’s mind about solar energy its mission.
Tweed started his solar project with the Kukui Center, a community development center serving underprivileged children and families in Honolulu, Hawaii. Through the addition of solar panels to the roof of the building, the project can make hundreds of dollars’ worth of electricity each month. As of January 2019, the project has saved over 150 tons of carbon dioxide emissions.
With these encouraging small-scale results, Tweed can encourage business owners of all types to install solar panels and devices at their facilities. Solar energy can be generated anywhere where the panels will have unshaded light. They do not have to be placed in tropical areas like Hawaii, to be effective. Businesses can often generate enough energy to meet their own needs and then sell the remaining energy back to the grid. This zero-loss plan is great for businesses which need to maximize their profit-making abilities.
Solar energy can also be a profitable model for businesses of any size. Solar energy companies sell and install the panels, batteries, and other equipment necessary to put a building on the grid. They can also own and operate the solar equipment, selling the electricity to the building owner at a steady price. Solar businesses can also set up large solar farms to generate a great deal of electricity for sale to the electric grid. All three of these strategies are viable methods to turn a profit in the industry.
Wind energy is another type of environmentally friendly power generation that can be used anywhere. Areas, where windy days are more common, are preferred, along with open spaces like fields and industrial areas. Some local neighbors complain that wind turbines are unsightly, but the structures are becoming more attractive as the years go by. Putting up wind turbines is more expensive than installing solar energy equipment, but it has the potential to create more energy since it runs day and night. Local utilities which have installed wind power often find that they can sell the energy back to the grid at a profit.
Water or hydroelectric power is another excellent way to generate electricity. This method requires large power plants located on rivers and is not meant for the small business community. However, businesses can make investments in hydroelectric power companies and share in their profits when selling electricity on the open market. Hydroelectric is one of the oldest forms of clean power, and its benefits have been well-known for years, especially in the Northeastern United States.
Some business owners may be hesitant to put their money into renewable power sources, but it is a forward-thinking decision which places faith in the environment. It is also considerably cheaper to produce solar and wind energy than it is to create energy from fossil fuels like oil and coal. Even if global warming were not a concern, it would make business sense for companies to invest in renewable energy technologies.
Rusty Tweed encourages business owners of all kinds to consider the advantages of installing renewable power on their property, or if that is not possible, to make financial investments in the future of renewable energy. As energy costs rise and environmental pressures build, solar, wind, and waterpower will become even more important in the global economy.