Alternative World Energy Outlook (AWEO) and the role of hydrogen in a changing energy landscape

Publication date: 2008-07-01
First published in: International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Authors: M. Zerta et al


The global energy situation is about to change at an accelerating pace and society is largely unprepared. Common energy analyses, such as the International Energy Agency’s “World Energy Outlook,” do not take into account foreseeable supply mismatches from conventional primary energy sources. It is thus the purpose of this paper to provide a progressive view based on an accelerated transition to renewable energies in the framework of LBST’s “Alternative World Energy Outlook.” A transition to renewable energies appears feasible; however, with an intermediate period with limited supplies between 2015 and 2025. Furthermore, the potential role of hydrogen as a secondary energy carrier is reflected in this context. Hydrogen used for transportation can increase the penetration of intermittent renewable energy sources through offering the ability to convert electricity to fuel.

Published in: International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 33, Issue 12, June 2008, Pages 3021-3025
Available from: ScienceDirect