Kjell Aleklett

Kjell Aleklett

Kjell Aleklett is Professor of Physics at Uppsala University in Sweden where he leads the Uppsala Global Energy Systems Group (UGES).

Newsweek and “Cheap Oil forever”

Kjell Aleklett

(This article is published by ASPO International, www.peakoil.net, and the article can be published as printed or on the web by making this reference. Translations to other languages are also accepted. An original Swedish version that is translated into English…

VII ASPO Conference Barcelona 2008 Notes

Three Musketeers of ASPO

The seventh annual European conference on Peak Oil was held in Barcelona, Spain on October 20-21. The conference theme was Peak Oil: From Below Ground to Above Ground. This could probably be classified as the first conference of the formally-incorporated…

7th Annual International ASPO Conference

Bob Hirsch ASPO USA

Today the 7th annual ASPO conference in Barcelona, Spain began (conference home page) and this year’s theme is “Peak Oil: from below ground to above ground.” Catalonia’s minister for innovation, Josep Huguet, gave the opening speech and he discussed the…

Oil up on reduced prognoses

SvD Uppsala IEA preview

by BJÖRN LINDAHL bjorn.lindahl@svd.se The International Energy Agency, IEA, has made a significant downward adjustment in its prognosis for oil production up to 2030. That is an important explanation for the latest rally in oil prices. Yesterday, the price for…

CNN in discussion with ASPO

Oil depletion

Matthew Knight has written an article for CNN, “Briefing: Oil”, and in the preparation for this article he called ASPO. We rely on it to power our everyday lives, and it drives the economy worldwide, but oil faces an uncertain…

Peak Oil Time for ExxonMobil


Even though ExxonMobil never will use the word “Peak Oil” they have in fact used it by saying that the production will stay flat to 2012. Another problem that Exxon and the other majors have is that they cannot replace…