How to Open a Green Energy Company in the Netherlands

The attention to environmental problems and climate change is present around the world, probably with few exceptions. The Netherlands is home to numerous businesses and large companies, that cares about the environment. Foreign investors are extremely attracted to the sector. Such a company can be quickly established in the Netherlands, respecting a few necessary and essential steps.

A Dutch BV Company Can be the Proper Option for Foreigners

The private limited liability company is known as Dutch BV, or “Besloten Vennootschap met beperkte aansprakelijkheid,” the most used type of company. The incorporation is quite simple, and it starts with the local Dutch Register, where at least two shareholders are needed, and there is no obligation for a minimum share capital. Just like in most cases, the limited liability company can be established as soon as the Articles of Association are provided, with an associated bank account. The Dutch Trade Register issues the necessary approvals for a green energy company which will run under the rules of a Dutch BV. Even if the registration is simple, you might want to solicit the support of some experts in company formation, to have a fast start on the market.

The Offshore Wind Energy Law: What You Need to Know?

Any economic activity in the Netherlands is subject to several conditions and requirements, mostly presented by specific laws. An example in this sense is the Offshore Wind Energy Law, which oversees the activities of companies in the green energy sector. Such a set of laws offers the possibility of foreign or local investors to exploit renewable energy resources in the Netherlands and legally open a company in this sector. Moreover, it is essential to know that the Ministry for Economic Affairs in the Netherlands issued the necessary licenses and permits for green energy companies in this country.

The Netherlands to Become the Biofuel Hub in Europe

It is a known fact that the Netherlands is a leading expert in wind energy at sea, coal power plants, biomass pre-treatment, and many more. The plan is to grow even more and allow international investors to explore and test this highly important sector. Having a convenient geographic location, the Netherlands is for sure the optimal investment solution for entrepreneurs wanting to start green energy companies.