Signs are an important way for all workplaces to keep their staff safe. Signage is the most obvious way to identify any hazards or dangers. They are a government requirement in all workplaces and inspections are carried out to ensure these signs are placed in the correct spots and visible to avoid any issues. For them to be most effective they need to be understandable, clear, and of good quality.
For oil workers, safety signage is extremely important. Various signs have to be present as they help avoid life or death situations.
Mandatory Safety Signs
These should be situated when entering any oil workers working vicinity. They may also be dotted around the working environment or at key places where the sign is most needed. For example, if you are required to wear goggles whilst completing a task, a sign to remind you to do so will be located next to this area, as well as in general areas.
Mandatory safety signs prescribe a specific behavior expected of the worker. They are usually circular and have a blue background and white writing or pictures on top of them. They have to come in this format so that workers can see the difference between these mandatory signs and other signage within the workplace easily.
They help to reinforce to all workers what is expected of them in specific areas. Within the Oil industry, there are many dangerous substances and machinery that is in operation. Safety signage is most beneficial in these circumstances as it can impact the outcomes of an oil workers’ day, the business, and the wider area in some cases too.
Benefits of Mandatory Safety Signs
- They guide how to mitigate the danger.
- Safety signs showcase safe methods of working.
- They ensure you are following legal requirements set by government officials.
- They protect workers and the public.
- Safety signs indicate what PPE is required in which areas.
- They help save lives and accidents.
Disadvantages of Mandatory Safety Signs
They can be showcased solely because they have to, meaning they are not followed up by actual safe practices.
Safety signs can be over-stimulating and over used.
Safety Signs in the Oil Industry
As the oil industry is considered one of the more dangerous working environments having safety signage is a welcomed necessity. They are used around the site to inform workers of potential dangers, expectations, and dress codes. There are three main categories of signs that workers will see and depend on when working in the oil industry, outside of mandatory signs, these are; danger signs, caution signs, and safety signs.
Danger Signs
These are designed to indicate the immediate danger of a location, piece of equipment, or area. They will highlight the precautions that workers will need to take if they expect to negate dangerous activities. Danger signs have to be red with black and white writing on the pictures. This is a mandatory sign that oil workers will see day in and day out.
It is a legal requirement that oil workers are aware of these signs, carry out their work with them in mind and follow the precautions they advise upon. They will be expected to complete training on how to operate within these dangerous areas before being able to be deployed on them.
Caution Signs
Caution signs hope to warn readers of any potential hazards in the area or caution workers against completing unsafe practices. Caution signs aim to pre-empt any issues or potential danger before it turns into an issue. Oil workers will see these cladding the inside of their workspace and throughout their working environment to ensure the best practice is being conducted.
They offer workers a chance to refresh their memories on the expected codes of conduct and certain areas too. These will also help reduce accidents within the workplace. Caution signs are usually created with a yellow background with black writing, these colors help grab the worker’s attention.
Safety Instruction Signs
These signs are generally used when there is a real need to revert to certain safety measures. They could be next to certain machines, helping oil workers remember how to safely operate them. Safety instruction signs help both workers and visitors to the workplace understand how to safely operate things or navigate safely through certain areas.
Naturally, there are many other variations of signage that an oil worker can expect to see in their workplace. Altogether there are another eight different classes of accident prevention that are globally recognized, these are Danger, Warning, Caution, Notice, Fire Safety, General Safety, Directional Signs, and Special Signs.
Signage is used a lot within the oil industry. Oil workers rely on these signs to keep themselves and their peers safe. It also ensures that their workplace is not damaged or the local area. We all know the importance of clear signs and the impact they have on everyday life. It is even more important in this environment due to the danger of the job.