Category Peak Oil

ASPO Conference in Barcelona

Bob Hirsch ASPO USA

The next ASPO conference will take place in Barcelona in Spain during 20-21 October 2008. The traditional topics, such as oil and gas (and coal), will be discussed by various speakers. Apart from that also energy security and other proposed…

Mexican crude oil production falling fast


The Mexican oil company, Pemex, released figures of the crude production in April. The decline is 13%, the most in more than 12 years, as output at its largest field, Cantarell declined faster than the company forecast. Output has been…

Oil up on reduced prognoses

SvD Uppsala IEA preview

by BJÖRN LINDAHL The International Energy Agency, IEA, has made a significant downward adjustment in its prognosis for oil production up to 2030. That is an important explanation for the latest rally in oil prices. Yesterday, the price for…

CNN in discussion with ASPO

Oil depletion

Matthew Knight has written an article for CNN, “Briefing: Oil”, and in the preparation for this article he called ASPO. We rely on it to power our everyday lives, and it drives the economy worldwide, but oil faces an uncertain…

Shell versus Peak Oil at CNBC

Matthew Simmons

John Hofmeister, president of Royal Dutch Shell’s US operations, was interviewed about peak oil and the supply issue on CNBC’s Squawk Box. He attacked the peak oil theory as popularized by Matthew Simmons, the author of “Twilight in the Desert:…

Dr. Colin Campbell

Colin Campbell

Colin Campbell has over 40 years of experience in the oil industry. He earned a Ph.D. in geology from the University of Oxford in 1957 and had worked as a petroleum geologist in the field, as a manager, and as…

Peak Oil Time for ExxonMobil


Even though ExxonMobil never will use the word “Peak Oil” they have in fact used it by saying that the production will stay flat to 2012. Another problem that Exxon and the other majors have is that they cannot replace…