Category Peak Oil

EU must drastically reduce its oil imports

Flags of IPU member states

Kjell Aleklett, Professor in Global Energy Systems at Uppsala University, Sweden. The Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet has now, 2012 December 23, published my article “EU must drastically reduce its oil imports.” In Swedish, “EU måste skära ner sin oljeimport drastiskt.”…

Peak Oil Postponed?

global utmaning

Seminar at the think tank Global Challenge in Stockholm Sweden Global Challenge: Recently, new data on available oil reserves, new deep-water deposits, oil sands and especially “shale gas” has given rise to concerns about what these resources mean from a…

Peak oil is real and will stunt any economic recovery


Rex Weyler, executive member of the Vancouver Peak Oil campaign group, has written a viewpoint on peak oil for Public Service Europe. During the last century, society squandered 500 million years of captured sunlight on drag races, traffic jams, private…

Are we sleepwalking into disaster?

crude oil barrels

A new piece about peak oil, entitled “Peak oil – are we sleepwalking into disaster?” has been written by Dean Carroll. Below follows a short teaser and a link to the entire article. Governments and oil companies have been silent…