Wellcome to the
3rd International Workshop On Oil&Gas Depletion
Berlin, Germany, May 25-26 2004
Organised by the Association for the Study of Peak Oil & Gas
(flyer in pdf)
(flyer final program in pdf)
The workshop will be held at the Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Entrance: Markgrafenstrasse 38 (Gendarmenmarkt), Berlin, Germany.
Scientific Program
Tuesday, May 25
08.00 – 09.00 Registration
Natural Gas, Chair: C Campbell
0900 h Welcome – what happened since “Paris,” Kjell ALEKLETT [ASPO, Uppsala University]
0915 h Future oil&gas supply for Europe, Friedrich-Wilhelm WELLMER [BGR]
0930 h Supply & demand of the US market, Matthew R SIMMONS [Simmons & Company Int.]
1015 h Demand and gas supply in Europe, Christian BECKERVORDERSANDFORTH [Ruhrgas]
1100 h coffee
1130 h Supply from Groningen and the small fields in the Netherlands, how has it worked out and what is ahead?, Jaap BREUNESE: [TNO]
1215 h LNG, regional gas markets vs. Gas-OPEC, Francois CAHAGNE [Gaz de France]
1300 h – lunch break
Natural Gas (continued), Chair: P-R Bauquis
1400 h The future of natural gas supply, Jean LAHERRERE [ASPO]
1430 h Future gas potential: where-what-how much, J Peter GERLING [BGR]
1500 h coffee
1530 h Oil reserves growth potential, Francis G HARPER [BP]
1615 h Long-term energy outlook – The perspective of ExxonMobil
Jeffrey A JOHNSON [ExxonMobil]
1700 h A dynamic approach to oil production, Oliver Rech [IFP]
Wednesday, May 26
Energy and Society, Chair: C. v. Hirschhausen
0900 h Energy Scenarios for Europe, Herry LEHMANN [ISUSI]
0945 h The European energy policy – reality or fiction?, Rolf LINKOHR: [MEP]
1030 h coffee
1100 h Panel discussion: How to cope with the future energy constraints – A European perspective
Moderator: Fritz VAHRENHOLT [REpower]
Participants: Ali Samsam BAKHTIARI [NIOC], Fatih BIROL [IEA], Colin CAMPBELL [ASPO], Hans-Josef FELL [MdB], Hans-Wilhelm SCHEFFER [RWE Power], Hartmut SCHNEIDER [BMWA]
1230 h – lunch break
Renewables – what can we expect? Chair: W Zittel
1330 h Economic growth and interest system, Bernd SENF [FHW Berlin]
1415 h Synfuel – their role in the transport sector, Frank SEYFRIED [VW]
1500 h coffee
1530 h Alternative fuels in Europ and Germany – Which contribution is possible?, Martin KALTSCHMITT [Inst.f.Energetik&Umwelt]
1615 h Hydrogen – Activities in the US, Japan, and Europe, Jörg Schindler [LBSt]
1700 h wrap up Michael KOSINOWSKI [NlfB] & farewell Kjell ALEKLETT [ASPO]
About the meeting
It is the third international workshop on oil and gas depletion organized by ASPO. Oil and gas were formed in the geological past, and are subject to natural depletion, meaning that the past growth in production must eventually give way to decline. The workshop will address the critical issue of the looming peak of production. Although technological and economic factors play a part, it is primarily controlled by the resource base.
A panel of experts will consider the technical evidence and evaluate the far-reaching political, social and economic consequences. Depletion is imposed by Nature but with planning and foresight much can be done to ameliorate the tensions of the transition to new energy solutions. The meeting is planned to provide short presentations by invited speakers, facilities for poster presentations, and above all opportunities for discussion, informal meetings and cooperation in a positive environment.
The meeting is hosted by the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR), Hannover, and by L-B-Systemtechnik GmbH (LBS), München.
Language of the meeting will be English.
Details concerning accommodation ( go to page ).
We hope that you can find something that is right for you. We know that KLM has a very good three-night stay over the ticket and that Ryanair is flying from London to Berlin.
Registration and Fees
Registration will be at the meeting itself, with an attendance fee of €100 to help defray some of the costs. To facilitate planning, those intending to attend are asked to inform the secretariat by e-mail (see below) as soon as possible.
Sabine de Vries
Bundesanstalt f. Geowissenschaften u. Rohstoffe (BGR)
30655 Hannover, Germany
phone: 0511-643-3208
email: S.DeVries@bgr.de