Tag Thermodynamics

The Development of an Ecological Economics


Publication date: 1999-01-01 First published in: Journal of Business Administration and Policy Analysis Authors: R. Costanza et al Abstract: Ecology and economics developed as separate disciplines throughout their recent histories in the 20th century. While each has addressed the way…

Biophysical constraints to economic growth


Publication date: 2003-11-23 First published in: Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems, Authors: Cutler J. Cleveland Abstract Stable consumer prices, full employment, and increasing per capita wealth are economic and political goals in nearly every nation. Aggregate economic growth has been…

A Thermodynamic Theory of Economics


Publication date: 2007-06-01 First published in: International Journal of Exergy Authors: J. Bryant Abstract: An analogy between thermodynamic and economic theories and processes is developed further, following a previous paper published by the author in 1982. Economic equivalents are set…