We all must make changes to help the world around us, and there are several practical steps we can take to live a more sustainable life, starting with our home.
Sustainable homes help improve the current state of the environment by reducing our carbon footprint. A sustainable home will also save energy, water, and lower utility bills, adding overall value to the property.
People looking to make a change can consider features such as lighting, heating systems, plumbing, windows, and smart technology, plus many more, and look for ways to upgrade or switch out details to make them more eco-friendly.
More and more homes are being fitted with features such as eco-lighting, eco-heaters, and solar panels to optimize how energy is used. Some eco-developments also collect rainwater to aid plumbing.
If you’re looking to make sustainable improvements throughout your home, keep reading as we’ve listed a few tips below.
Switch out your light bulbs
Stop using the old incandescent or halogen light bulbs and make the switch to energy-saving LED bulbs. Becoming more energy efficient is the key to making a more sustainable home. LED lightbulbs use 80 percent less energy and are much more cost-effective to switch on. It’s completely fuss-free to change the bulbs too as you’re able to use your existing light fittings. You’ll also find yourself changing the lights less often as they last up to 50 percent longer than older bulbs. So not only can switching your current light bulbs save you money, but it saves the planet as they are constructed with no hazardous materials or chemicals such as mercury, which’s harmful to the environment.
Install a heat pump
Your home’s carbon footprint can be lowered by changing your gas or oil boiler to a heat pump as a greener alternative. Households in the UK have reported hundreds of pounds of savings each year since installing a heat pump, which is why millions of new builds include the systems, and why older properties have installed the pumps as a greener alternative. The system essentially uses a reduced amount of electricity and moves heat using a compressor and circulating a refrigerant.
Reduce water usage
For people who find that their water bills are too high, there are many things that you could try to reduce. Try using less hot water or install a timer system (if you don’t already have it) to control when your electric water heater is being used. Another great tip is to turn off the tap when brushing your teeth. Let your children know how important it is too, so it enforces a good habit for the future. You could also try to limit the amount of time spent in the shower, and wash your clothes on a cold wash as this will also reduce the amount of water you’re using and keep your energy bills relatively low. Recycling water systems are becoming increasingly popular. New eco-developments like Element – The Quarter as featured on RWinvest, will use rainwater to aid in plumbing to minimize energy waste.