Natural and Organic Pesticides for Your Garden

Organic and natural pest control keeps many gardeners busy. Natural household pesticides are not just easy to make; they are safer and cheaper than several products you can purchase in stores. Here are some natural and organic pesticides that you can use in your garden.

1. Neem Oil Pesticide

Neem tree seeds produce an oil that is a great natural pesticide, which can interrupt the life phase of insects at every stage (eggs, larvae, and adults), making it a massive resource for the landscape gardener. The neem oil performs as a hormonal disruptor and as an “antinutrient” for pests that rely on various parts of the plant to survive.

Neem oil is non-toxic to birds, pets, fish, and other wildlife, and biodegradable. It is efficient against common pests and is a natural/organic fungicide that might fight downy mildew and new fungal toxicities in plants. It might be found in many garden centers or natural food markets.

To make use of neem oil as a pesticide, follow the directions on the bottle or begin with a base mix of a single teaspoon of mild liquefied soap and two teaspoons of neem oil, shake well with 1 gallon of water, then spray on the affected foliage of the plant. Neem pesticide may also be utilized preventively through spraying the foliage of plants that are frequently destroyed by pests before they are infected.

2. Diatomaceous Earth Like a Natural Insecticide

This somewhat difficult-to-handle natural substance is prepared from a sandy rock made from fossilized algae called diatoms and is a relatively abundant resource. Diatomaceous earth plays several roles around and in the home. Functioning as an organic insecticide is among them. The material does not work through insect poisoning or suffocation but through its abrasive properties and its similarity for absorbing oils (a waxy constituent) from the insect’s exoskeleton, causing them to dry out.

Diatomaceous is regularly available in the garden stores, though often only in huge bags, so in case you have a small garden, consider dividing it up with your neighbor. To spread over, sprinkle the soil around the plants or spray over the leaves, where it assists in controlling slugs and snails, and other crawling pests. Because of its dry nature, it is an efficient natural insecticide; diatomaceous earth must be applied after each rain.

3. Camomile Tea as a Natural Pesticide

Camomile tea refers to a mild herbal tea that is often used for its calming effect. The health benefits of camomile tea include its ability to relieve mild stomach upset. Other camomile tea benefits include prevention of dumping off, promoting seed germination, and acting as a natural pesticide.

Making use of camomile tea in the lawn like a natural pesticide also works well, and when utilized correctly, it has low harmfulness and does not pose a high risk to bees and other valuable insects. To enjoy camomile tea benefits in your yard, brew a batch of strong tea (triple strength) and allow it to steep for a maximum of 24 hours.

Put the tea into the spray bottle with a specific syringe. Use the camomile tea to spray infected plants, but be careful not to spray the plant if there are bees and other useful insects. Also, do not spray in the warmth of the day or else when the herb is in direct sunshine.

4. Garlic Insect Repellent

Garlic is known for the strong fragrance, which is delicious to others and repulsive to some, and it’s the strong fragrance that comes to play when utilized as an organic pesticide. It is not very clear with garlic and chili spray (outlined below), but they might be used in controlling insect infestation in your garden.

To create a simple garlic spray, use two full bulbs, and flatten them using a blender with a little quantity of water. Leave this mixture overnight and then pour into one liter, add 1/2 mug of vegetable fat, a single teaspoon of warm fluid soap, and adequate water to top up the bottle. To utilize this homemade pesticide, use one mug mix with 1 gallon of H2O and liberally spray on infested vegetation.

5. Chili Spray Pesticide Spray

Like garlic pesticide, chili spray is an excellent homemade natural pesticide that may be utilized for various types of insects. Chilli spray might be prepared from fresh hot chili powder. To prepare a simple chili pesticide from pepper dust, mix one spoonful of chili dust with 1 liter of water plus a few drops of warm liquefied soap.

This combination can be utilized with full force on the foliage of the affected vegetation. To prepare the chili spray with fresh chilies, mix 1/2 beaker of bell pepper with one mug of water, and then add a liter of H2O and boil. Let it cool, strain the pepper material for it to appear, add a few drops of liquefied soap and sprinkle as desired.

6. Tomato Leaves like a Natural Insect Repellent

Tomato vegetation is a portion of a nightshade household and also contain alkaloids like the so-called “tomatin”, which could effectively regulate aphids plus other pests. To prepare a natural insecticidal tomato leaves to spray, cut two dishes of fresh tomatoes foliage into 1 liter of water then leave it on overnight. Strain through the vegetable material and apply it to the plant leaf.  


You do not have to worry about pests anymore. The above natural and organic pesticides will assist you in solving the issue. Keep your plants healthy with these pesticides.