Category Blog

Spiders in Southern Utah


How much do you know about spiders?  Can you consider them your friendly neighbor or your terrifying foe? Are they good or bad for your property?  Well, it depends on the spider species. Spiders have been inhabitants of Earth for…

Cooking Oil Recycling Home Creative Uses

cooking oil

Home and commercial kitchens use cooking oil for different types of recipes. While it plays the most important part in cooking, recycling or disposing of used oil does not come too easy. Disposing of used cooking oil down the sink…

Top 10 College Essay Writing Services


Studying at college may seem a piece of cake compared to doing shifts at some fast-food cafe trying to earn a living. But in reality, college life is not that easy, and students face lots of challenges daily, too. So,…

The Best Air Compressor Oil Substitutes


Oil-lubricated air compressors need oil to help cool the cylinder head and prolong the compressor’s life. When working with a 20-gallon air compressor or larger, it will likely be a splash lubricated oil system. These compressors require you to change the oil…