Category Peak Oil

IEA says oil capacity crunch looms

Oil depletion

The International Energy Agency fears that an expected recovery in oil demand from 2010 and oil project cancellations due to low crude prices and the credit crisis will mean no spare oil capacity at the end of 2013. “That is…

Oil price and economic crash

oil barrels

The German Financial Times features an article that links the record high oil prices of last July to the onset of the financial turmoil and economic crash. Thomas Fricke writes the following: No financial analyst managed to predict that 2008…

Toyota: We must address the inevitability of peak oil

Toyota Mirai fuel cell engine

Toyota Motor Corp. said Saturday it is confirming plans to have an all-electric vehicle on U.S. roads by 2012 by introducing an ultra-compact battery-powered concept car at the North American International Auto Show in Detroit. “Last summer’s $4-a-gallon gasoline was…

The Permanent Oil Crisis

ASPO International is pleased to inform about the Permanent Oil Crisis conference in Amsterdam, Netherlands, 21-22 January 2009. Despite the present, temporarily low oil prices and financial turmoil now is the time to look beyond 2009. Low oil prices, Low…

IEA sees peak oil in 2020

crude oil barrels

Global oil output could peak by 2020 – much earlier than expected – amid a collapse in investment due to the financial crisis, the International Energy Agency’s (IEA) chief economist Fatih Birol claimed. In an interview published today, Birol told…

VII ASPO Conference Barcelona 2008 Notes

Three Musketeers of ASPO

The seventh annual European conference on Peak Oil was held in Barcelona, Spain on October 20-21. The conference theme was Peak Oil: From Below Ground to Above Ground. This could probably be classified as the first conference of the formally-incorporated…

Global Oil Production Is Falling Faster Than Expected

crude oil barrels

The global crude-oil output is falling faster than expected, leaving producers struggling to meet demand without extra investment, the Financial Times said, citing a draft of an International Energy Agency report. Annual production is set to drop by 9.1 percent…

7th Annual International ASPO Conference

Bob Hirsch ASPO USA

Today the 7th annual ASPO conference in Barcelona, Spain began (conference home page) and this year’s theme is “Peak Oil: from below ground to above ground.” Catalonia’s minister for innovation, Josep Huguet, gave the opening speech and he discussed the…