Category Sustainability

What is Permaculture?


Permaculture is a design for sustainable living called permaculture (permanent + agriculture). It’s Tasmanian founder, Bill Mollison, coined the phrase in 1972 because there was no word in our language to describe a system of farming which did not deplete…

Behold, The Water-Powered Clock

Water-Powered Can Clock

The Water-Powered Clock There are a lot of interesting things that people are doing to get off of batteries as we know them. One of the most important things about consumer electronics is that they often run off of batteries…

IEA: The age of cheap energy is over

alternative energy wind solar panels

The Executive Director of the International Energy Agency (IEA) has warned that curbing rising fossil fuel prices will require significant investments and further development and deployment of renewable energy technologies, energy efficiency, and advanced vehicles. Nobuo Tanaka noted that the…