Archive of the ASPO Newsletter
| Proceedings of the
2nd International Workshop
On Oil Depletion
Paris, France, May 26-27 2003
Organised by the Association for the Study
of Peak Oil&Gas
The workshop was held at the
Institut Francais du Pétrole
, Rueil Malmaison, Paris. If information and other material from
this proceeding is used the following reference should be given:
Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Oil Depletion,
Paris, France, May 26-27 2003,
Edited by K. Aleklett, C. Campbell and J. Meyer,
. (This page will be updated when we get new PowerPoint presentations
and papers.) Programme booklet(Welcome, General Depletion Picture, Programme, The Speakers, Abstracts,
The War for Oil, Contacts)
(Use Explorer for PowerPoint presentations) PROGRAMME | Abst-
| Power
| Paper | Monday 26th May | | | | SESSION 1
Chair: Mr Pierre-René Bauquis | | | | Opening Address
Olivier Appert, Chairman,
Institut Français du Pétrole, France | | | | Resource Wars
Michael Klare, Professor
of Peace & World Security Studies
Hampshire College, USA | | | | The War for Oil
BBC Film | | | | SESSION 2
Chair: Mr Jean Laherrère | | | | A Realistic View of Long-Term
Middle East Production Capacity
Ali Samsam Bakhtiari Corporate
Planning Directorate,
National Iranian Oil Company, Iran | | | | Russian Oil Reserves, Future
Exploration Potential & Production Capacity
Ray Leonard, Vice President,
Exploration & New Ventures
YUKOS Oil Company, Russia | | | | The Worlds Endowment with
Natural Gas:
The Perspective from BGRs New Energy Study
J. Peter Gerling, Head of the
Energy Resources Section
Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources
(BGR), Germany | | Download | | SESSION 3
Chair: Dr Roger Bentley | | | | Modelling Oil Production,
Energy Consumption, Population & Economy
Jean Laherrère, Former
Deputy Exploration Manager,
Total Oil Company, France | | | | The Physical Modelling of
Future World Energy Demand
Malcolm Slesser, Chairman,
Resource Use Institute, UK | | | | Energy Supply Conditions
and Oil Price Regime
Jean-Marie Bourdaire, Director of
World Energy Council, UK | | | | SESSION 4
Chair: Dr Peter Gerling | | | | The North Sea A Victim
of Depletion
Chris Skrebowski Editor,
Petroleum Review, Institute of Petroleum, UK | |
Download | | Modelling of Remaining Reserves
In a Mature Basin
Vincent Lepez Assistant Professor,IFP-School, France | | Download | | Oil Prophets: Looking at
World Oil Studies Over Time
Steve Andrews Energy Consultant,USA | | | | Tuesday 27th May | | | | SESSION 5
Chair: Dr Werner Zittel | | | | How to Make the World Aware
that the Party is Over
Kjell Aleklett Professor,
Uppsala University, Sweden | | | | Will 2000 Turn Out to be
the Peak, Followed by Wildly Oscillating Oil Prices?
Kenneth Deffeyes Professor Emeritus,Geosciences, Princeton University, USA | | | | The 2003 Update of the ASPO
Oil & Gas Depletion Model
Colin Campbell, Dr and Anders Sivertsson
, student
ASPO & Uppsala University, Sweden | | | | SESSION 6
Chair: Prof Kjell Aleklett | | | | Options for Future Transport
Jörg Wind Senior Manager,Research & Technology, DaimlerChrysler, Germany | | | | Non-OPEC Oil Supply: Economics
and Energy Policy Options
Maarten van Mourik & Richard Shepherd
Economist & Journalist, France | | | | What Energy Sources for
Transportation in the 21st Century?
Pierre-René Bauquis Associate
IFPSchool, France | | | | SESSION 7
Chair: Prof Rui Rosa | | | | The Contribution of Technology:
Creating Reserves
Gérard Friès Executive
Vice President,
Institut Français du Pétrole, France | | | | Extra Heavy Oil and Bitumen:
The Challenges of Enhanced Recovery
François Cupcic
TotalFinaElf Oil Company, France | | Download | | Status of Renewable Energy
in Europe
and Its Role in a Renewable Transport Fuel
Werner Zittel
L-B-Systemtechnik GmbH, Germany | | | | Property Rights for the Global
Commons Feudal or Democratic?
Paul Metz Managing Consultant,INTEGeR… consult, The Netherlands | | Download | | SESSION 8
Chair: Dr Colin Campbell | | | | Is The Glass Half Full or
Half Empty?
Matthew Simmons Chairman &
Chief Executive Officer
Simmons & Company International, USA [via video link] | | | | Risks and Solutions to Irelands
Energy Supply
David Callaghan
Sea Energy Ltd, Ireland | | | | Closing Remarks
Colin J. Campbell, Dr
ASPO and Uppsala University | | | |
| |