Whether you run a trucking company or employ a fleet of drivers in some other capacity for your business, you probably have an impact on the environment. If you’re concerned about the carbon footprint that your fleet is responsible for, there are plenty of things you can do to make it greener. Training your drivers, providing incentives, maintaining and upgrading your vehicles, investing in a greener fleet, and staying on top of innovations are all great ways to make your business more sustainable.
Train Your Drivers
Training drivers on behavior that is more fuel-efficient is an important step. This includes braking and accelerating more gradually and avoiding idling. Dashcams can be useful tools, helping you determine whether driver behavior could be altered so that it is greener. You can review a guide on the different types of dashcams and options for smooth roads ahead. With telematics, you can also track engine issues or other problems that might be making your fleet less efficient. Fuel cards can help you keep a close eye on your consumption and make adjustments, such as redistributed and lighter loads.
Incentives for Drivers
When you’re using dash cams and other tools to closely track what drivers are doing so that you can help them improve, your efforts can start to feel punitive if you aren’t careful. Incentives, such as bonuses for driving in a fuel-efficient manner, are a great way to motivate drivers and shift the efforts of sustainability in a more positive direction.
Maintenance and Upgrades
Changing behavior is all very well and good, but you can also get much better performance from a fleet that is well-maintained and up to date. Regular maintenance keeps them running better and cleaner. You can also take steps to reduce drag, such as roof fairings that cut down on wind drag. Adding adaptive cruise control can be a good way to cut back on spending and reduce fuel usage.
Change Your Vehicles
You may not be able to do it all at once, but over time, you can invest in a greener fleet. Start now by researching what is out there and what is likely to be out there over the next decade, including alternative fuels. Making environmental sustainability and integrity a priority now will help mold your decision-making moving forward. However, do keep in mind that electric vehicles or similar choices work with every kind of business. You need to be realistic about your challenges and options. As far as conventional vehicles go, just making sure that you don’t have vehicles that are bigger than they need to be for the job they do or that are gas guzzlers can reduce a lot of waste. If you have drivers who use their vehicles and get reimbursed, consider providing them with company vehicles instead.
Other Useful Tools
Route optimization can help ensure that your drivers are always getting where they need to go by the most efficient route possible. If there need to be multiple stops, this can ensure that they are plotted in the best way. Keep an eye on your strategies and whether they are making a difference, and make adjustments as needed.