Jared Skye

Jared Skye

Jared Skye is an environmental scientist and author of sustainability and self-sufficiency themed media.

The Best Air Compressor Oil Substitutes


Oil-lubricated air compressors need oil to help cool the cylinder head and prolong the compressor’s life. When working with a 20-gallon air compressor or larger, it will likely be a splash lubricated oil system. These compressors require you to change the oil…

When to Replace and Repair Oil Tank

underground oil tank

Generally, oil tanks service life can last up to 20 years. Proper maintenance of oil tanks can serve a homeowner a longer lifespan than those who do not observe its condition. During cold winter seasons, oil tanks are likely to…

5 Uses of Oil that Make our Lives Better


Oil has historically been one of the world’s most important resources, particularly regarding energy supply to both the commercial and domestic sectors. Although the industry makes considerable contributions to numerous economies around the world, it has also often come under…